Last modified: 2022-08-16
Africa’s economy is largely informal, employing majority of its economically active population. However, research from business schools on the continent seem to focus more on the formal economy at the detriment of the informal sector. The purpose of this study is therefore to discuss the factors that limit business schools in producing relevant knowledge for Africa’s informal economy and goes further to proffer ways by which business schools in Africa can be decolonized to venture more into pragmatic research that develops the informal economy. In its submission, the study finds that the major inhibitors of informal economy research in Africa are paradigm and methodological issues in research, complexities in securing funding for research in business schools and research silos that limit appetite for interdisciplinary research. This study therefore offers practical recommendations in enhancing informal economy research among business schools in Africa. This study is among the first to extend the conversation of decolonizing universities to business schools in Africa who have a mandate to engage in responsible management education.
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