AFAM Biennial Conference, 6th Biennial Conference - Cairo 2023

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Assessing the Impact of Knowledge Sharing and Social interaction on mentoring and Adjustment of Academic Staff in Higher Education
James Baba Abugre

Last modified: 2022-08-25



The globalized business environment coupled with a high increase in information communication technology has given prominence to knowledge sharing and social interaction among the workforce of most academic institutions. This study sought to examine the impact of knowledge sharing and social interaction of academic staff on their academic mentoring and adjustment attitudes/behaviours. A quantitative approach was adopted with 204 academic staff responding to a survey questionnaire. The data was analysed using Hierarchical Multiple Regression (HMR) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Amos version 21. The findings revealed that: knowledge sharing significantly predicted academic mentoring and staff adjustment, and social interaction also predicted staff adjustment. However, social interaction had a negative and insignificant predictive power on academic mentoring. The study concludes that, knowledge sharing and social interaction activities among academic staff should be promoted and structured among academic institutions to ease mentoring and adjustment of staff especially young or new staff. The study was limited to one university and future studies could compare different universities to ascertain the findings in this study.



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